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Long / short since 1999


About High Growth Shares Fund (HGSF)

HGSF is a long / short diversified portfolio of 50-70 stocks. The fund aims to deliver long term capital growth and has a track record through different market cycles since 1999. The portfolio management team have worked together for more than 20 years and draw on Antares 30 years’ experience as research focused stock pickers.

What is short selling (shorting)?

Shorting involves borrowing a security and selling it with the intention of buying it back at a later date for a lower price and paying back the stock. This means the potential for profit (if the strategy works and the stock price falls) or loss (if the stock price rises instead) is greater than with traditional long only funds.

Why long / short?

Returns from falling prices Increased alpha opportunities through both rising and falling prices.
Extends market exposure A 125/25 fund can increase market exposure by almost 50% compared to a long only strategy.
Diversification Increased market exposure means more stocks can be held.
Higher conviction Ability to borrow to potentially enhance returns from high conviction ideas.


Why Antares HGSF?

125 / 25


Can hold up to 25% short positions which enables investment into high conviction ideas and provides up to 150% market exposure



Simple, transparent, repeatable process built on fundamental research

Experience & track record


The portfolio management team have worked together for over 20 years and the strategy has a 25 year history

Experienced portfolio management team


Portfolio Manager and Head of Equities

Nick Pashias: B.E. (Hons), Ph.D. (Chem Eng), M. App. Fin
Industry experience: 26 years
Antares tenure: 26 years


Deputy Portfolio Manager

Andrew Hamilton: B.E. (Hons), CFA
Industry Experience: 27 years industry experience
Antares Tenure: 23 years

Helpful resources

  • Inception: December 1999

    Objective: The strategy's objective is to outperform the Benchmark over rolling five-year periods.

    Benchmark: S&P / ASX 200 TR Index excluding the companies listed in the S&P / ASX 20 TR Index

    Management style: Diversified, style agnostic

    Recommended time frame: The strategy is designed for investors who are looking to make a medium to long-term investment, with at least a 5-year timeframe.

    Managed fund fees
    Management fees:
    Performance fees: 20% of the Fund's net performance in excess of the performance hurdle (benchmark return +5% pa)

    Number of holdings: 50 - 70 stocks

    The significant risks of investing in the Fund are typical of the risks of managed investment schemes whose investment strategy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of Australian companies. These risks include market risk, company specific risk, concentration risk, derivatives risk, liquidity risk, fund risk and investment manager performance risk. Further information on these risks is detailed in the Fund's Product Disclosure Statement.

    APIR Code Managed Fund: PPL0106AU

    Platform availability
    Asgard, Clearview, CFS First Wrap North, Expand Extra, BT Panorama, Macquarie, MLC Masterkey Fundamentals, Netwealth, Praemium, Power Wrap, Hub24, uXchange, Voyage

    More fund information, Investment approach, How to Invest and Resources >