20/11/2024 Nick Pashias on Livewire’s “A view from the top”
Antares Equities is celebrating 30 years and Head of Equities, Nick Pashias, has been there for 25 of them. Nick joined Chris Conway from Livewire Markets to discuss his learnings from different market cycles, and how the passion and curiosity of the Antares Equities team has seen the fund manager endure.
27/05/2024 The American Dream: Can Australian companies succeed in the US?
Many Australian companies have failed in their attempts to expand offshore, but some have succeeded and we hypothesise why. A recent trip to the US revealed three mid cap companies with the potential for success.
08/01/2024 Maybe elephants can dance - a contrarian take on China
As a keen observer and frequent visitor to China, Antares Nick Pashias can often see trends that others are yet to grasp. He believes the Chinese government's focus on the renewable economy will help underpin the economic growth that was previously driven by property development.
11/10/2023 Qantas – it’s the long haul that matters
There has been no shortage of news flow around Qantas (QAN) in recent weeks - most of it negative. Yet despite this negativity, Antares believes that QAN is one of the most attractive investments currently on the ASX on a 3 year view. Our conviction stems from the industry structure, licence to operate, valuation and finally, customer demand. This paper explains why we have come to our view.
09/10/2023 Has the demand for lithium in electric vehicles peaked?
Batteries for Electric Vehicles (EVs) accounted for 60% of the global lithium end market in 2022. This paper explores the factors driving lithium demand in EVs – from EV sales to technology and size of batteries.
07/08/2023 Time to discover mid cap investing
We argue that the mid cap universe’s mix of higher potential returns coupled with higher risk, diversification attributes, and greater opportunity for stock selection, make it worthy of investors’ consideration.
29/06/2023 Our take on the global consumer – and what it means for Australian investors
Attending the leading global consumer conference provided us with insights into the major consumer trends - from inflation peaking to accelerating premiumisation, sustainability and the significance of China. Read how these are relevant to Australian investors.
19/01/2022 Why management incentives matter in the resource sector
This article highlights how short and long term management incentives can drive resource company performance and examines the governance ramifications of differing incentive structures.
07/10/22 Dividend Builder: Livewire Fund in Focus
Featured on Livewire is the Antares Dividend Builder strategy. In this short video learn more about how the strategy seeks to deliver income and capital growth.
19/09/2022 When investing for income, don't get caught looking backwards
Andrew Hamilton, Portfolio Manager of the Antares Dividend Builder strategy, recently talked to Livewire Markets about the health of the two big dividend-paying sectors: financials and commodities.
15/05/2022 Can the Rule of 18 predict the market? 12/10/2021 Squaring Up: The Afterpay merger 29/09/2021 Green Steel: Australia’s Sweet Spot 9/08/2021 Why we are underweight iron ore? 27/03/2020 Comparing Equity Income Products
We have produced two complementary papers that highlight some of the differences between income products. The first is for Advisers and the companion piece (Benchmarks and Income – Antares Insights) is for your clients. It is clear from the Benchmark comparison that there are big differences between income products.