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The Antares Ex-20 Australian Equities Fund is an actively managed, concentrated portfolio of Australian equities outside the largest 20 Australian listed companies by market capitalisation (as defined by the S&P/ASX 20 Total return Index) that Antares identifies as having the potential to offer significant long-term capital growth. The Fund may also invest in companies expected to be listed on the Australian share market.

The Fund's objective is to outperform the Benchmark (S&P/ASX 200 Total Return Index excluding the companies listed on the S&P/ASX 20 Total Return Index) (after management fee) over rolling five-year periods.

Inception date 1 October 2019
Benchmark S&P/ASX 200 Total Return Index excluding the companies listed on the S&P/ASX 20 Total Return Index1
Investment approach The Antares Ex-20 Australian Equities Fund is an actively managed, concentrated portfolio of equities listed, or expected to be listed excluding the largest 20 companies by market capitalisation.
Portfolio Manager

John Guadagnuolo  

Head of Fundamentals

1 The Benchmark is constructed by calculating the total return after removing the companies contained in the S&P/ASX 20 Total Return Index from the companies listed in the S&P/ASX 200 Total Return Index.